i-Virtualize’s Holiday Culinary Extravaganza 2024

Keep learning the tips and tricks over and over again that will help  you look like a master chef in your own home.

Thank you for attending the i-Virtualize’s Holiday Culinary Extravaganza 2024

It was a great evening cooking with Chef Michael Smith as we welcomed him back for a fourth year. Chef Michael showed us even more tips, tricks, and recipes to get our taste buds going. Most of us cooked along with Chef Michael but you can also participate again by watching the on-demand broadcast of the event.

Before the cooking session began with watched our partners from Cisco and IBM kick-off the evening by sharing their industry insights on the power of AI and Cyber Resilience that was geared to help prepare you to make better decisions that will impact 2025 and beyond. Watch the on-demand videos of the presentations below.

AI in Cybersecurity: Unveiling Threats & Defenses

Barry Yuan
Cybersecurity Solutions Architect
Cisco Presentation

IBM’s Point of View on Data Resilience

Kosta Makropoulos
IBM Technology Group
IBM Presentation

Event Reminder

Don’t forget to download the Playbook so you can follow along with the recipes for years to come in the comfort of you own home.

Thank you to our sponsors: 
Cisco and IBM

Our Menu

  • HOLIDAY COCKTAIL Black Pepper Mulled Cide with Bourbon & Ginger
  • HORS D’OEUVRES Smoked Salmon Mousse with Cucumber & Dill
  • Grilled Lamb Skewers with Cranberry Mint Relish
  • Curried Red Lentil Fritters with Cilantro Beet Labneh
  • DESSERT Chocolate Bark Bar